*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  Amiga Symposium Oslo 21-22 sept. 1991 - a brief resume of the most interesting news ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Planetside from Psygnosis. A new flightsim they showed running off a CDTV - although just a demo (with CD quality sound no less!), the mere speed and quality of the game really made an impact. This was *not* the teeny weeny anim-demo of the same game available on some BBS'es. * Audition 4 from Sunrize Industries. The best samplersoftware I ever saw! Seemed better than Audiomaster 3, and what impressed me the most was the flange-effect. Not being a musician, I might not be the right person to comment on this program, but Beranek said it was good! So there! :-D * 12-bit samplercard from Sunrize Industries. Beranek (once again) had gotten hold of a very beta-beta version of one of the 20 first 12-bit samplercards from Sunrize. What he could demonstrate was amazing - he had sampled a couple of tunes (3-4 minutes each) onto HD, and played those back directly off the HD. I couldn't tell the difference from a CD to the sound this card produced - it was great. Although I guess you'll have to have a pretty big HD - the tunes were 17Mb and 12Mb, respectively........ Oh - and if you want stereo - buy two cards! :-) 16-bit card will be released in september (1991:-)) The 12-bit card had a sampling-rate of 80-90Hz, it had audio in/audio out and an SMPTE-plug. The software driving this thing was called 'Studio 16' (version 0.02 beta!). * Cap-Lex from Cappelen. The norwegian publishers Cappelen informed about an encyclopaedia they will be releasing soon (before x-mas is the plan). This is a joint effort from CBM Norway an Cappelen, and it will be on CD (what else...) for the CDTV. It contains all the articles (45.000 of them) the book- based encyclopaedia has, plus over 2000 illustrations. It also boosts sound: Music, speeches, samples etc. Animation may also be included. The (in the norwegian Amiga community) famous designer Bj›rn Rybakken (responsible for all those fancy fonts and backgrounds in Scala) has designed the user-interface and the lay out. You may wonder how the he.. Cappelen set out on such a dangerous joerney as to release a norwegian encyclopaedia on the CDTV? Well, at 10000 copies, the cost of publishing on paper is NOK 10.000.000 - it's a mere 100.000 for CD's..... * VideoToaster from NewTek. Still no PAL-version, and no word of when it will be available. But they had one (NTSC) up & running, and it sure is a great piece of work. I wish they'd get about doing a PAL-version soon... * ImpactVision 24 from GVP. This was an amazing card. 24 bits, 16.8 mill. colors - and the best part - all on your standard VGA-monitor! This means you can have a PIP (Picture In Picture) on your WorkBench, running any videosource! In fact, you can have TWO PIP-windows at the same time on screen. All this is possible due to the framebuffer included on the card. It also sports a digital genlock (naturally) and an internal flickerfixer.. The package includes special versions of Scala, Caligari and MacroPaint - all working in 24 bit! And best of all - it works in PAL! Output to RGB and VGA. Realtime interlacing and deinterlacing, both in and out. You can reduce the number of colors on the incoming video-signal, or adjust them. Framegrabber to grab pictures from the videosource - store as 24 bit. Price? NOK 15-20000,- (in the US:$2100,-). * News from CBM: - In WB2.1 (early '92), it will be possible to have any language in WB, not just English. Scaleable fonts, freely rotate fonts (you'll be able to write in 45 degrees in CLI! :-) ), support for 720/1.44 PC-disks (meaning there will be a new floppydisk bundled with new Amiga's), new preferences (sound also customizeable, no longer the boring 'beeep'!), 70Hz monitor support, PostScript-driver in preferences +++++++++++. - New resolutions, better HW giving more colors, higher resolutions. Finally we can get on top of PC's and Mac's again!! :-). - Better sound (16 bit???). We can only hope. - There are now over 3.000.000 Amigas worldwide! - Pricecut on A3000! Somewhere between 20% or 30%. Special ASO-price from 23/9-27/9-91 ('round 17.000,- for a 16MHz, and 20.000,- for a 25 MHz + 20% VAT, ask your local dealer). Buy now!!!! - PPage 2.1, 'soon' :-), will include support for Adobe type 1 & 3 fonts (also PDraw), support for 'bullit'-fonts (in WB2.1), faster screenrefreshing and better output to dot-matrix printers. - PPage 3.0!!!! Out before x-mas (VERY maybe). - WordPerfect 5.xx! Strong rumours around a new WP for Amiga. All the in-house programmers has been switched from developing on Mac & Atari to the Amiga. - ProCalc, new spreadsheet from Gold Disk. Looking good! Based on the 'Advantage'-spreadsheet, it sports 'bullit'-fonts, colors, tags (as in PPage), output to PostScript (finally...), even color-postscript. - Kick 2.0 roms - release sometime in October ('91 :-D). Price? Not stated. * News from Digital Vision (of Scala fame): - Scala will now support sound! Trackermodules and 8svx-samples. - Scala is in use in Pentagon, no less!! - A new version: Scala 2.0. - Scala 500! A version of Scala running in only 1 Mb, specifically made for the A500. Release in a couple of weeks. In conjunction with this new product, DV has struck a deal with CBM bundling Scala 500 with an A500, genlock etc. - all you need for videotitling in the home. The bundle is called 'VideoTitler'. - Scala CDTV development system. System for developing CDTV-applications. - Scala will be used by a norwegian film-maker as a storyboard. - Scala (V2.0) will now include support for MIDI, through Bars & Pipes Professional. - V2.0 also supports control of laserdiscs. - Scala for Windows! No, it's not a bad joke, it's a fact. Or rather, it will be. - Scala: Realtime antialiasing. Antialiasing as you type. - Scala: New fonts, new backgrounds. - Scala V2.0 will include: * Slidesorter (a'la ImageFinder) * Visualized file-requester - instead of looking at boring file-names, push on the picture! * Drawing in text-mode. * Buttons that can be configured to either starting a sample/module, or an ARexx-script. * Variables (to store scores, f.ex.) * New fades - a'la VideoToaster. *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************  Many thanks to Jørn Inset for this resume *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************